Services ProvidedSnow Removal PolicyLeaf Pickup and Yard WasteRecycling InformationWater & Sewer BillingProcessCold Weather Water TipsDoor Hanger - Water Service Line Fieldwork51.17 PROHIBITED ACTS.

The Rochester Fire Department specializes in 

  • Firefighting suppression
  • Auto extrication
  • First responder calls using the BLS Rescue Truck

The department uses a Scott's hand held thermal camera with transmitter; the receiver is in the rescue truck hooked to TV/VCR. Our rescue truck is certified as a non-transport BLS unit. On May 8, 2000, we received an AED (automatic electronic defibrillator) from Rochester Township. We have 14 first responders and are called out to assist the EMS when needed. 

Parking Restrictions During Snow Removal Periods

When a snow removal condition has been declared the following traffic regulations will be in effect for all city street:

  • All regular parking restrictions will remain in full force and effect on streets where parking is only permitted on one side and areas of no parking
  • On even numbered days parking will only be permitted on the side of the street with even numbered street addresses
  • On odd numbered days parking will be permitted only on the side of the street with odd numbered street address

City crews do an excellent job of snow removal. With the help of citizens, they can do an even better job. There are 40 miles of city streets and approximately 15 miles of alleys. In the Street Department there are 7 employees who operate 5 trucks with underbody plows, a small tractor with a plow, and one front end loader.

What citizens can do:

  • Park off the street when snow is in the forecast. This will allow the snowplow to clear the area in front of your residence
  • In neighborhoods where there is no off street parking available, park all vehicles on one side of the street. When one side has been cleared and vehicles moved, the other side of the street will be plowed 
  • Vehicles, trailers, boats, and anything else that is not used on a regular basis during winter months should bot be parked on the street.
  • Snow is not to be piled on fire hydrants
  • Snow is not to be plowed into the street. This can present a real problem at intersections as the snow piles so high motorist cannot see oncoming traffic

City crews get out at 2:00 a.m. to start the snow removal process working on city streets, public parking lots, the City Complex, Community Resource Center, and the Arboretum. The first time the plows pass thru the city they will be working primarily to open the streets to travel; this should be completed by 7:00 a.m. They will then make a second pass thru the streets to plow them back to the curb as best they can. This depends on how many cars are still parked on the street. In a normal snowfall the complete city can be covered in a regular 8 hour work day. Alleys are not plowed during the lesser snowfalls as the citizens can get out of them without much difficulty.

What the City needs to be made aware of:

  • Streets that can be plowed after all vehicles have been moved
  • Alley intersections that need to be cleared where vehicles are having difficulty

Special Needs:

If a citizen has special needs or requests, it is best to call the Mayor's Office (574-223-4555). He will then contact the Street Superintendent by radio. The Street Superintendent will be helping with the snow removal and will not be immediately available by phone.

Yard Clipping and Leaf Pickup GuidelinesLeaf Pickup

Effective June 1, 2013

There shall be no matter (yard waste or debris) in the City streets.

All matter to be picked up must be placed curbside on your property, not in the road. Everything (i.e. plants, weeds, grass clippings, hedge trimmings, etc.) must go in a biodegradable waste bag EXCEPT limbs and tree leaves or any wood stemmed material.

Paper biodegradable bags must be used. 

General Instruction for Leaf Pickup

During fall leaf pickup, the Rochester Street Department concentrates all of its efforts into picking leaves. We have four machines operating; however, due to the age of the machines and the dusty conditions they operate in, it is difficult to keep all four of the machines on the street at all times.

leavesThe machines work together or at least in the same section of Rochester. This makes it easier for the public to know where the crews are working. Need to know when the crews will be in your neighborhood? Give us a call! As telephone calls are received, we will be able to give you a better idea as to when they may be on your street! Crews will work the City from the West to the East. As they get to the East side of Lake Manitou, they will go back to the west side of Rochester and start over again. An exception to this is we will clean Main Street and East 9th street on a daily basis.  On Friday afternoons, Jefferson Street and Madison Street will be cleaned to get the majority of the churches and funeral homes for the weekend.

City crews will be working an extra hour each day during leaf season. This will continue thru the first week of November. They will also work a half day on Saturday, weather permitting. Leaf Pickup will continue into the winter as long as weather allows.

  • During leaf pickup, place leaves in a row rather than a pile on the curb or in the lawn next to the street. Leaves cannot be placed in the street. This will allow traffic to move freely and safely without having to drive thru the leaves. It is easier to pickup the leaves if they are in a row along the curb rather than a pile. If placed in a pile the truck has to backup several times until the complete pile is gone.
  • Tree limbs clog the leaf vacuum. The hose on the machine is 18 inches in diameter; sticks longer 18 inches plug the hose. The problem usually occurs when the sticks are in the street and leaves are raked on top of them. If longer sticks are placed where they can be seen, this problem will be eliminated.
  • Please do not park on top of leaves. It is also very helpful and safer if vehicles are not parked on the piles. Please leave room for the leaf machine operator to get all the leaves that have been raked.

There is NO Burning of any kind permitted within the City Limits!

How to Pay Bills

Paperless Billing - Receive Your Utility Bill by Email. You can now elect to receive your utility bill by email. Download the email authorization form, fill it out, and then return it by email, in person, or mail it to the postal address included in the form.

Payment Methods:

ALERT: Utility payment service,  The City of Rochester DOES NOT endorse, recommend, or otherwise partner with for utility bill payments.

Online Payment:

You may now pay your Utilities online with a major credit/debit card or check. You will need the correct account number and a sufficient line of credit. Click here for payment on-line.

Telephone Payment:

To pay with a major credit/debit card or check by phone, call 574-223-3412 to speak with one of our staff during regular business hours.

Please Note:

Both of the above services are provided to you strictly as an option. A convenience fee of $2.00, in addition to the amount of the utility bill owed will be charged to the cardholder or checking account for utilizing this service.

Electronic/Auto Debit:

Sign up by returning the Authorization Application for Auto Debit. You will receive notification of the payment amount at least ten (10) days before the withdrawal date.) On the payment date, your payment will be withdrawn from your specified account. Your payment is made automatically. NO hassles and NO late fees.

Postal Mail:

You can mail your payment to:

City of Rochester

320 Main St.

Rochester, IN  46975

Walk In:

You can make payments at City Hall.

Drop Box:

The drop box can be found outside of the drive up window.

Use Our Convenient Drop Box to Pay your Water Bill!

Water Department Drop Box


Read the first step to the treatment process.


Obtain information about the grit removal process, the second stage of the overall treatment process.


Access information about the primary settling stage of the process.




Gather details about the secondary settling stage of the overall process.






Review the process.


Find out what is done in the advanced secondary settling phase.


Peruse the details of disinfection of the wastewater.


Get details about the anaerobic digestion stage of the overall treatment process.





Before Freezing Weather Sets In

Wrap Exposed Pipes

Cover any exposed pipes with insulating material. If you do not have commercial insulating material use plastic, newspaper, rags or blankets.

Secure Basements Against the Cold

Plug up drafty cracks and repair broken window panes.

Block Air Passages into Crawl Spaces

Check crawl spaces to be sure pipes are protected. Use cardboard or rags to block air passages.

Check Outside Faucets

Remove hoses from outside faucets and check the washers to be sure there are no leaks, which could freeze and back up into the household plumbing.

Locate your Shut-off Valve

Make sure every member of the household knows where your main water shut-off valve is located. The shut-off valve should be used in the event of a burst pipe or if you have a significant leak. The shut-off valve is usually located where the water pipe enters your house or on a vertical pipe leading from the point of entry inside your basement wall or crawl space. In some homes, it can be found in the utility room. If you do not have a main shut-off valve, you should install one for your protection.


During Freezing Weather

Keep Meter Box Lids Closed

Do not open your meter box, as injuries can result from lids, which are not properly secured. Also, cold air can freeze the meter. If you notice a meter box lid, which is not properly secured, please call your local water company.

Make Sure Heat Reaches Your Pipes

If your pipes are enclosed in a cabinet under the bathroom or kitchen sink, leave the doors open so the heat can get in.

Keep a Trickle of Water Running

During period of low usage and particularly on sub-zero nights, keep a trickle of water running from the faucet highest in the home. This trickle should be a steady stream the size of the lead in a pencil.


If You Have a Frozen Pipe

Wait for the Pipe to Thaw

If you have some running water the safest and cheapest thing to do is wait for the frozen pipes to thaw.

Never Use an Open Flame

Never try to thaw a pipe with a flame, because you may start a fire.

Seek Help

If all else fails call a plumber.

Contact Us

320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Beth Stocking
Beth Stocking,
Clerk-Treasurer's Office
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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  • Phone: (574) 223-2510
  • Fax: (574) 223-6509
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

TJ Dubois,
Fire Chief
Rochester Fire Department
2006 E State Road 14
Rochester, IN 46975
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  • Phone: (574) 223-6113
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Andrew Shotts
Andrew Shotts,
Police Chief
Police Department
312 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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  • Phone: (574) 223-3313
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Duane Border,
Street Dept. Superintendent, Parks Foreman
Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Duane Border,
Street Dept. Superintendent, Parks Foreman
Street Department
620 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
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  • Phone: (574) 223-4740
  • Staff Directory

Contact Us

Marcus Halterman,
Class III | Class A Certified Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 223-3485
  • Other: (574) 835-6007
  • Staff Directory
  • plant hours: M - F 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ** office hours: M - F 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Contact Us

Derrick Holloway,
Water Dept Superintendent
Water Department
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 223-3412
  • Fax: (574) 223-6509
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

Contact Us

Rochester Fire Department
2006 E State Road 14
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Rochester Fire Department
2006 E State Road 14
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Marcus Halterman,
Class III | Class A Certified Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
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Recycling Center
1452 Wentzel St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Water Department
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Water Department
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Rochester City Building Complex
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Clerk-Treasurer's Office
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact Us

Marcus Halterman,
Class III | Class A Certified Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
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Contact City Of Rochester
City Hall Offices  •  320 Main Street, Rochester, IN 46975  • (574) 223-2510 (574) 223-6509