Snow Removal Policy
Parking Restrictions During Snow Removal Periods
When a snow removal condition has been declared the following traffic regulations will be in effect for all city street:
- All regular parking restrictions will remain in full force and effect on streets where parking is only permitted on one side and areas of no parking
- On even numbered days parking will only be permitted on the side of the street with even numbered street addresses
- On odd numbered days parking will be permitted only on the side of the street with odd numbered street address
City crews do an excellent job of snow removal. With the help of citizens, they can do an even better job. There are 40 miles of city streets and approximately 15 miles of alleys. In the Street Department there are 7 employees who operate 5 trucks with underbody plows, a small tractor with a plow, and one front end loader.
What citizens can do:
- Park off the street when snow is in the forecast. This will allow the snowplow to clear the area in front of your residence
- In neighborhoods where there is no off street parking available, park all vehicles on one side of the street. When one side has been cleared and vehicles moved, the other side of the street will be plowed
- Vehicles, trailers, boats, and anything else that is not used on a regular basis during winter months should bot be parked on the street.
- Snow is not to be piled on fire hydrants
- Snow is not to be plowed into the street. This can present a real problem at intersections as the snow piles so high motorist cannot see oncoming traffic
City crews get out at 2:00 a.m. to start the snow removal process working on city streets, public parking lots, the City Complex, Community Resource Center, and the Arboretum. The first time the plows pass thru the city they will be working primarily to open the streets to travel; this should be completed by 7:00 a.m. They will then make a second pass thru the streets to plow them back to the curb as best they can. This depends on how many cars are still parked on the street. In a normal snowfall the complete city can be covered in a regular 8 hour work day. Alleys are not plowed during the lesser snowfalls as the citizens can get out of them without much difficulty.
What the City needs to be made aware of:
- Streets that can be plowed after all vehicles have been moved
- Alley intersections that need to be cleared where vehicles are having difficulty
Special Needs:
If a citizen has special needs or requests, it is best to call the Mayor's Office (574-223-4555). He will then contact the Street Superintendent by radio. The Street Superintendent will be helping with the snow removal and will not be immediately available by phone.