Cold Weather Water Tips

Before Freezing Weather Sets In

Wrap Exposed Pipes

Cover any exposed pipes with insulating material. If you do not have commercial insulating material use plastic, newspaper, rags or blankets.

Secure Basements Against the Cold

Plug up drafty cracks and repair broken window panes.

Block Air Passages into Crawl Spaces

Check crawl spaces to be sure pipes are protected. Use cardboard or rags to block air passages.

Check Outside Faucets

Remove hoses from outside faucets and check the washers to be sure there are no leaks, which could freeze and back up into the household plumbing.

Locate your Shut-off Valve

Make sure every member of the household knows where your main water shut-off valve is located. The shut-off valve should be used in the event of a burst pipe or if you have a significant leak. The shut-off valve is usually located where the water pipe enters your house or on a vertical pipe leading from the point of entry inside your basement wall or crawl space. In some homes, it can be found in the utility room. If you do not have a main shut-off valve, you should install one for your protection.


During Freezing Weather

Keep Meter Box Lids Closed

Do not open your meter box, as injuries can result from lids, which are not properly secured. Also, cold air can freeze the meter. If you notice a meter box lid, which is not properly secured, please call your local water company.

Make Sure Heat Reaches Your Pipes

If your pipes are enclosed in a cabinet under the bathroom or kitchen sink, leave the doors open so the heat can get in.

Keep a Trickle of Water Running

During period of low usage and particularly on sub-zero nights, keep a trickle of water running from the faucet highest in the home. This trickle should be a steady stream the size of the lead in a pencil.


If You Have a Frozen Pipe

Wait for the Pipe to Thaw

If you have some running water the safest and cheapest thing to do is wait for the frozen pipes to thaw.

Never Use an Open Flame

Never try to thaw a pipe with a flame, because you may start a fire.

Seek Help

If all else fails call a plumber.

Contact Us

Derrick Holloway,
Water Dept Superintendent
Water Department
320 Main St
Rochester, IN 46975
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 223-3412
  • Fax: (574) 223-6509
  • Staff Directory
  • M - F 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

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Contact City Of Rochester
City Hall Offices  •  320 Main Street, Rochester, IN 46975  • (574) 223-2510 (574) 223-6509