First Stage Trickling Filter

Rotary Trickling Filter Unit

One of the units is a large circular distributor that moves and sprays the water over layers of plastic media. This unit is called a "rotary trickling filter". 

The wastewater that is sprayed on the plastic media then "trickles down" (hence the name) the plastic to an underdrain system at the bottom where the water is collected, then transferred. While the water is trickling down the plastic media, bacteria that are growing on the media "eat" the leftover dissolved organic material and nutrients that are in the water.

Contact Us

Marcus Halterman,
Class III | Class A Certified Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 223-3485
  • Other: (574) 835-6007
  • Staff Directory
  • plant hours: M - F 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ** office hours: M - F 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

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Contact City Of Rochester
City Hall Offices  •  320 Main Street, Rochester, IN 46975  • (574) 223-2510 (574) 223-6509