First Stage Settling Clarifiers


When the wastewater is processed through the First stage of treatment, the bacteria that remove the nutrients from the wastewater die over time and they enter the waste stream as a solid material. Just like with the primary settling stage, this material can then be settled out of the wastewater through additional settling.


The First Stage settling CLARIFERS are very similar to the primary settling tanks. The First Stage settling tanks also have a series of scrapers in the bottom that drag the settling solid material to a sump at the end of the tank where it can be pumped out. The solids that are captured during this process are also sent to the anaerobic digester system so they can be reclaimed.

Unlike the primary settling system, instead of two tanks there are 3clarifiers as the volume of solids that can be expected to be captured here are considerably less than in the primary settling clarifiers.

Contact Us

Marcus Halterman,
Class III | Class A Certified Superintendent
Wastewater Treatment Facility
610 Monticello Rd
Rochester, IN 46975
Get Directions
  • Phone: (574) 223-3485
  • Other: (574) 835-6007
  • Staff Directory
  • plant hours: M - F 7:00 a.m. - 3:30 p.m. ** office hours: M - F 7:45 a.m. - 3:30 p.m.

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City Hall Offices  •  320 Main Street, Rochester, IN 46975  • (574) 223-2510 (574) 223-6509